الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2011

Briefly, How I see USA foreign policy in Middle East

USA interests in Middle East are not Freedom, Democracy nor Human Rights. But actually 
they care about two things :

1st- Protecting Israel
2nd- Gulf's oil flow

- If these two interests would be achieved through $2.5 billions annual aid to Egypt, no problem. 

- Through establishing military bases in Gulf, that's very welcome.

- Through making STRONG friendship with dictator like Mubarak, it's ok.

- Through having an alliance with extremist Islamic Wahabi regime like KSA, it would be a good idea.

- Through deepening the mutual hatred between normal Americans and normal Arabs, that's fine. 

And btw, I am not Muslim nor an Islamist to be prejudged as anti-americanism.
It is just my opinion.

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